Dampf trifft Kies 3
Eisenach - Meiningen
22nd October 2009
41-1150-6 and 41 11449 restart a 29 wagon train from Förtha on the 24th October.
The weather conditions were typical of the three days of the Plandampf, cloudy and dull
41 1144-9 leaving Walldorf for Immelborn with empties for the gravel works
41 1144-9 leaving Immelborn gravel works branch with a loaded train
41 1144-9 stands in Immelborn gravel works
41 1144-9 leaving Meiningen for Immelborn with empties for the gravel works
Pacific 02 0201 leaving Eisenach with a special passenger train
for Meiningen 23rd October 2009